Sheep Dog Trials at Moulamein

It’s back on! The Moulamein Sheep Dog Trials will start on Monday, September 26 with the finals to be held on Thursday 29 from 7.30am – 5pm. Some of Australia’s best working dogs and their human companions will be testing their wit against the well fed Riverina sheep in a cunning game of cat and mouse, or dog and sheep in this case, to complete the course. 

The event will be held at the Moulamein Recreation Reserve, complete with waterfront views. 

Food is available at the canteen. Catering will be a team effort with Monday – Moulamein School P & C, Tuesday – the Moulamein CWA branch, Wednesday – Moulamein Pre-school Committee; and Thursday for morning tea – Moulamein Sheep Dog Committee.

All welcome!

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