The Bridge

Complaints policy 


Step 1:

Email or call us (admin@thebridgenews.com.au, 03 5453 2057) with the date and title of the story, image or material that you wish to complain about. Please include whether the content is on-line or in print and where possible the contributor’s name. Include why you are complaining and the grounds for complaint and any evidence or inaccuracy, offence, error, defamation or any other misinformation or breach of the journalists code of ethics. State if the complaint involves you or relates to someone else (a secondary complaint see below).

Step 2:

An acknowledgment of receipt of the complaint will be provided within 24 hours with a contact person’s details from our office. This person (usually the publisher or editor) will be responsible for investigating the grounds for your complaint.

Step 3:

Your complaint will be discussed in our weekly staff meetings by all of our staff team and where needed further information will be gathered from either the source or external contributor. The team leads will determine if one of the following will occur:

  •     an informal expression of regret by the publication;
  •     publication of balancing material;
  •     publication of a correction, clarification or apology in an agreed form;
  •     amendment or removal of material on a website;
  •     commitments about future coverage of particular people or issues

You may be contacted by the editor of publisher to clarify the issues and discuss the outcome

Step 4:

If you are satisfied with the outcome to resolve your complaint, we will close your complaint on the basis that it has been adequately dealt with.

If you are unsatisfied with the outcome to resolve your complaint you may consider approaching other organisations depending on the nature of the complaint or seek legal advice. You may find more information here:

