With 2020 being the year filled with uncertainties and recurring changes, for many people life was approached on a day-by-day basis. Barely anyone was making big decisions for fear of last-minute lockdowns, and financial insecurity.
As our community ticked along and did its best to adapt to this new way of life, Melbourne couple, Cherrille and Luke Boschert were considering a tree change. At the time, they were living in the beachside suburb of Parkdale, on the south-east area of Melbourne, where Luke was working at the local newsagency and post office. They had been looking into options of relocating for four years, but nothing seemed to tick the boxes.
“We had been looking for about four years, looking at Tasmania, South Australia, NSW or staying here in Victoria but have always looked at small businesses, trying to find that right sort of change that was going to support both where we wanted to live and our interest in a small business,” Luke told The Bridge.
Just when it looked as though they would be staying in Melbourne longer than they had expected, opportunity knocked, and behind the door was Koondrook.
Louise O’Neill had been running the bustling Koondrook Post Office for 12 years and had made the decision to sell up so she could spend more time with her husband and family.
“It just so happened that this (Koondrook Post Office) came up on the internet and then we started looking around and we ended up buying both a house and a business over the internet without stepping foot in either one during COVID-19. Who would have thought we would’ve done that at our age?” Luke smiles.
“Initially there was another post office for sale in NSW, so we rang the broker and said we were interested but the response was... ‘I’m sorry that one is gone, but there is another one that I am sure you will both love.’
“It’s perfect, over the bridge with a 3-minute drive to work each day and no permits!” Cherrille said with relief.
“I then asked what were the shops next to the Post Office and he (the broker) said, ‘There’s a café, a beauty salon, a hairdresser, and a hotel across the road.’ I said, ‘Perfect we’ll have it. It’s all the things I love.’”
Prior to signing, Cherrille and Luke were able to view photos only for the post office via the business broker and for the house, a ‘walk through’ of the property via a video call by Golden Rivers Real Estate.
“She (Lauren) was lovely, she was so helpful. If we rang, she would ring back straight away. We could eventually come up to see the post office in Koondrook but not the house until the border situation changed,” said Cherrille.
“The other thing was to find something that was going to be busy enough but not ridiculously over the top. A business I owned years ago was seven days a week, 13-14 hour days, meals, running a post office and a newsagency and doing the school lunches for 13 years. That was enough and I didn’t want to go back to anything like that again,” Luke said.
“One of the other things that actually attracted us as well was that we can actually do day trips, have a look around the local area, support local businesses…” Luke went on to say.
“We needed a balance in life of work and play. It was becoming more of just work,” said Cherrille.
“Also, it’s going to be the first time that we’re actually going to work together as well, so that’s going to be a big change. We’ve got ideas how we are going to work together and make it happen and I think that’s the key,” Luke shared happily.
Cherrille says she is looking forward to the new venture with the business “I like the giftware side,” she admits.
With such a big decision made, especially during a pandemic, for Luke and Cherrille the timing was in fact, perfect.
“Absolutely! It was time…” Luke says, and Cherrille agrees “It’s so lovely.”
After settling in, both are looking forward to meeting more people within the community, becoming involved in the local community groups and activities.
“The key to a good business, is knowing the community,” Luke concluded.