Cards are back after our break for Christmas. However, numbers were down as cricket and tennis were on TV. First in the door to play cards was our 97-year-old in Iris Howard, who is still very alert and can still show players a thing or two. Gwen Campbell started the year off with a good score of 3800 easily wining the ladies. The men’s was also high scoring with 3 players reaching the 3500. Brian McLoughlan went a bit further with a score of 3870. The Lucky Door went to Tiger Des, and the Mystery Number was awarded to Mavis Prout and Jim Bond. The best call of the night was 9 of Spades {340} by Iris Howard and her nephew Jim Bond.
The Jackpot is still climbing now it’s $10.00. Many thanks to all who helped and I believe we had a new person washing up. Glad Sheila was not there, as she would have taken a photo.