The Bridge
Borley Family Reunion 2024
1 min read

A Borley family get together was held at Lawson Pavilion on the King’s Birthday weekend with over 100 members of the family attending.

This branch of the family started when Charles Raymond Borley married Florence May Chambers on January 30, 1936 at Kerang and proceeded to have 10 children. This led to 37 grandchildren, and so the family grew. Last count was over 57 great grandchildren.

A great day was had by all, with plenty of drinks and food and sharing old photos, movies and memories of those that are no longer with us. This well organised event was followed by a recovery day on Sunday.

This Sunday session is a long-held tradition in the Borley clan, as is the Easter camp, where it is not unusual to have up to 200 people in the camp. Makes you wonder how big the next reunion could be. 

I was privileged to become part of this close-knit caring family when I married Christine Borley in 1980. May there be many more events like this.