The new Gee Gee Bridge over the Wakool river and flood approach has been completed. The projects completion will be a welcome relief to farmers and road transporters as load restrictions have been in place for some time.
The Gee Gee Bridge has a long and interesting history a former resident send in his recollection of growing up at the Gee Gee in the 1930’s..
The late James Lowe (Jim) was a long- term resident of Barham and district for many years until 1987, when he and wife Dorothy, left Barham to move to Queensland where a number of their children were residing. Dorothy passed away in 2018 and Jim passed away on 24 April this year (2020) at Tweed Heads Hospital. Jim was greatly concerned at the renaming of the new bridge at Gee Gee where he grew up.
In considerable discomfort, he persisted in writing his historical report about this bridge and the significance of maintaining its name up until the day of his passing.
The Gee Gee Bridge
By James Lowe
My name is James Lowe (Jim). Some folks may still remember me clattering around in their bins by day and night for 20 years till 1987 when my wife and I were given a great send off and moved to Queensland.
I have been kept up to date on the progress of the construction of the new bridge a Gee Gee by my sister in Kerang, Ruth Long, and her daughter, Carol Barton (my niece). An occasional Barham Bridge newspaper keeps me up to date.
Gee Gee Bridge and surrounds were a vital part of the local redgum milling history. A sawmill operated on the banks of the Wakool River from the early 1920’s to about 1940. At its peak there were about 20 families and a multitude of single workmen living there. It resembled a small township.
The site is significant not only to the Lowe family but also to the Wakool Shire as a whole. In 2007 a plaque was unveiled at Gee Gee Bridge in commemoration of this local history.
My family arrived at Gee Gee travelling from Cohuna via unmade roads on a solid-tyred Leyland open to the elements which was not the height of luxury, arriving about dusk to a house that was a large open-ended barn. I was 6 years old (1932).
The eastern approach had not been built (1934).
School for us children was Nacurrie, a 4 km trek by foot. Seven of my family attended the one teacher establishment.
At Gee Gee there were about 10 or 12 houses. All were slab huts with a few tents as well. Bullocks, a hickey, and log wagon were common and a steam traction engine was used to haul logs.
My dad took on a bridge project after the mill burned down. In 1940 he passed away from a burst appendix while on that job.
Nacurrie was the railway to Wetuppa from Kerang. Timber from the mill was regularly delivered to Swan Hill.
Growing up at Gee Gee was full of adventure but also of hardship but we did not know that. It was the norm in those days of the Depression. We had no phone or electricity and, in time, had a kerosene fridge. A trip to Swan Hill perhaps twice a year with two shillings and sixpence to spend was ...... WOW!
The steep cutting below the new bridge was evidently made for Cobb & Co. probably hence the name Gee Gee Crossing. I hear there is a change in name proposed for this new bridge which is a pity because there will be much history lost.
Many memories remain to so many people such as the farmers to whom the bridge meant so much. Gee Gee Crossing will always be known and remembered by our family by that name. I would petition to have the new bridge maintain the name that has had such meaning for so many for well over a century.
Submitted by Brian Fegan (Stepson) but written by James Lowe (now deceased).
Lowe, James Sydney. Jim passed away at Tweed Heads Hospital on 24 April, 2020, aged 94 years. He was a long-term resident of Barham until 1987. He worked for the Shire Council and at the Primary and High Schools as a cleaner/groundsman. He is survived by sons Brendan and Wayne, and stepsons Brian, Terry and Gregory Fegan, and stepdaughter Dorothy George (nee Fegan).