The Bridge


Triple digits turn out out for triathlon

On February 23, the Barham High School Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation (SLR) Class, along with assistance from the community, ran its second annual triathlon, called the Twin Town Triathlon. 

The number of participants were quite pleasing, which was up from the year before breaking triple digits with 103 triathletes over the four different distances compared to the 72 participants the year prior.

The class believes that they have created an event for the whole family, with a course to suit all the different ages and athletic abilities. The longest of the courses was the sprint distance which covered 600 metres or 24 laps of the pool, a 20-kilometre bike ride then followed by a 5-kilometre run around Koondrook.

The middle distance entailed a 200 metre swim, 8 kilometre bike ride and a 2-kilometre run for the triathletes.

The fun distance targeted the younger participates of the community and contained a 66 metre swim, a 2-kilometre ride and a run that was 500 metres.

This year a new fourth event was held, the bitibiathlon which was for kids from ages 1 to 7. This had the kids doing a 250 metre dash to the pool then a 25 metre swim in the medium pool.

The Barham High School SLR class would like to congratulate the winners of the Triathlons:

  • The Open Men’s Sprint - Jeremy Walker 1.04.34
  • The Open Men’s Runner’s-Up Sprint – Warren Lowry 1.12.29
  • The Open Women’s Sprint – Georgie Jenkins – 1.19.08
  • The Open Women’s Runner’s-Up Sprint – Tlarnee Lake – 1.22.37
  • Under 18 Sprint – Edwina Barclay – 1.31.42
  • Open Men’s Middle – Gary Hedington – 33.20
  • The Open Men’s Runner’s-Up Middle – Jason Brooks – 38.29
  • The Open Women’s Middle – Sarah Brooks – 36.31
  • The Open Women’s Runner’s-Up Middle – 39.31
  • Under 18 Middle – Indi Gleeson
  • Under 15 Middle – Angus Laskowski – 36.56
  • Under 15 Runner’s-Up Middle – Will Robinson – 43.41

The Barham High School SLR class would like to thank all were involved with helping to organise this event including all the volunteers, marshals and supporters on the day. They would like to thank Greg Lake who was a great consultant for them on all things triathlon, and Tracy Davis who did a lot of work promoting and finding sponsors for the event.

Finally, a massive thank you to ALL of the sponsors.

The event would have been impossible without your amazing community support!

To check all of the awesome, head to the Facebook Page ‘Twin Town Triathlon’.

The organisers would like to thank everyone who was involved for you and your feedback and look forward to the challenge of making a bigger and better triathlon in 2021.