The bridge
A drop by any other name

Guttrum Forest is abuzz with life as the unregulated flows spill through the forests, filling Reed Bed Swamp and giving the floodplain a drink. Unregulated flows are not to be confused with ‘environmental’ flows. We better tell the frogs out there to stop being damn happy and wait for Water Minister Plibersek.

Buy back more water, forget the huge volumes of E water carried over or the other classes of water that perform the same E function?

At the time of printing, downstream of Yarrawonga is flowing 58,706ML/D, with local sites, the Murray River at Barham 24,807ML/D, the Edward River at Moulamein 7,901ML/D, the Niemur River at the Barham Road 8,752ML/D, and the Wakool River at Barham Road 3,723ML/D.

Hume Dam is sitting at 95.8 per cent and Dartmouth at 99.06 per cent.

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